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Gaps Between Teeth Treatment

Are gaps between your teeth bothering you? Longing for a more symmetrical smile? You’ve come to the right place. Here at Este Medical, we know just how much teeth concerns can detract from the appearance of your smile and affect your confidence. We’re proud to offer personalised gaps between teeth treatment options designed to efficiently address any gaps in your smile to bring you a smile to be proud of.  

With the unparalleled expertise of the Este Medical dental specialists, we’re here to support you on your journey to a more confident smile – why not book your consultation today?  

If you’re looking for treatment to close the gap between your two front teeth – also known as diastema – explore our gapped teeth treatment.

Book your no-obligation consultation
+90 546 903 37 86
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What Causes Gaps Between Teeth?

Several factors can contribute to the development of gaps between teeth, including:

1. Genetics

Genetic factors can play a significant role in determining the size and spacing of your teeth. Some individuals may inherit a wider dental arch which can lead to gaps between teeth.

2. Mismatched Tooth Size

Differences in the size or shape of teeth can create spaces between them, especially if there is inadequate space in the dental arch to accommodate all the teeth properly.

3. Tooth Loss

Gaps between teeth can occur when one or more teeth are missing. This can cause the neighbouring teeth to shift out of position and create extra space in the smile.

4. Thumb-Sucking

Prolonged thumb-sucking or dummy use during childhood can push the front teeth forward, leading to gaps between them.

5. Gum Disease

Advanced gum disease can cause the supporting bone around the teeth to deteriorate, resulting in tooth movement and spacing issues and causing the need for gapped tooth treatment.

5. Habits

Certain habits, such as tongue thrusting or nail-biting, can exert pressure on the teeth and contribute to the development of gaps between them.

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Why Choose Este Medical for Cosmetic Dentistry?

Leading Expertise

All our dental treatments are performed by our highly skilled and experienced team of dental specialists. From dental implants to smile makeovers and everything in between, our experts are dedicated to delivering exceptional results tailored to your unique needs every time.

World-Class Facility in Istanbul

Located in the vibrant city of Istanbul, our modern clinic boasts world-class facilities equipped with the latest dental technology. From advanced imaging systems to cutting-edge treatment modalities, we’re committed to ensuring each. patient receives the highest standard of care in our comfortable and welcoming environment.

Supportive and Empathetic Approach

We understand that dental treatments can be daunting for some. That’s why we prioritise empathy and compassion in everything we do. From the moment you step through our doors, our friendly and attentive staff will go above and beyond to ensure your dental experience is as stress-free as possible.

Comprehensive Range of Services

Whether you're looking to brighten your smile with professional teeth whitening, reverse gum disease, or restore missing teeth with dental bridges, Este Medical offers a comprehensive range of cosmetic dentistry services to address all of your dental needs. Each treatment is carefully planned and performed to achieve optimal results that exceed your expectations.

Frequently Asked Questions